All things are moving forward toward my return to Ghana.
Yesterday, I went to several locations where folks donated books, videos, teaching tools and other miscellaneous school tools. It was great day, so much so, that I had to purchase additional barrels to hold all the items.
First, I made a stop to Saints Neumann and Goretti High School in South Philly, teacher - Catherine Smith, Director of Technology, hosted a book collection; in less than 2 weeks there were at least 1000 books for us to send to Archbishop Porter Girls' Secondary School. Talk about God working... the Catholic to Catholic connection via my involvement with TGC/IREX and a being Baptist. Then next, going to Helen Sherman's (my Anna Crusis Women's Choir gal pal) home. Sherman, now has the duty of allocating her son's belongings after his passing from brain cancer. Keith Sherman lived 35 years beyond the diagnosis and death toll of 2 years! He read a great deal and his liking cover the gamut. The angels have found it fitting for his life's memory to carry on -- to Ghana! Finally, Kym Thompson, West Chester High School teacher, asked her friends and family to join in to donate. She collected more than 50 books specifically catered to girls. Furthermore, some of Thompson's friends want to give money but I told her only through the website Click here to give for tax-deductible status.
What a day, what a day!!! Then to top it all off, my little teen girl Friday, Aliyah and her friend Nashene came to the rescue in helping to pack the more than 1500 books into the barrels. God knew it was more than I could ever handle alone. Like I always knew -- I am never alone. Thank you God and all the blessings from the various people, schools, institutions, and organizations.
Oh, let me not forget -- Connie Grier and The RESPECT Alliance, for picking up the tax-deductible contributions through their global educational supports strand. God is too too good. I cannot wait to see the faces of the Archbishop Porter team upon the barrels arrival. I will meet the shipment in Takoradi in August. I will take pictures and I will blog, so that all of you will be in the know of it all.
While here in the USA, fundraising continues, the barrels will cost $180 each to ship - HELP. Go to the indiegogo site, look for Computers, Books and Shipping. However, the link is above.

Glory, glory!!!
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